Should I Even Try to Keep Marketing Consistent During the Holidays?
Q: It’s challenging to keep up with marketing through November and December. Between days off, employee vacations, and holiday activities, priorities shift. Is anyone even paying attention this time of year?
A: The answer is a resounding yes! People are paying attention, and despite your hectic schedule, you should make consistent marketing a priority through the holidays.
The truth is that business people are still responsible for getting things done — and most have a lot to get done before year end. The pressure for finding new products and services for next year increases during the holiday, so as organizations work to wrap up loose ends, they’re also looking at changes they need to make for the following year.
Don’t wait until next year, or worse, for prospects to take time out of their busy schedules to contact you: Instead, make their end-of-year decisions easy by ensuring your materials are available to educate them when they need it most.
Plus, ‘tis the season for many businesses to fall behind on their marketing campaigns. Take advantage of the fact that your competitors are sitting on the sidelines. It’s the perfect time to increase your visibility and secure solid leads for your sales team.
So, don’t let up — stay on top of your marketing strategies through the holidays and throughout the year and reap the rewards!
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